Belief Releaseā„¢


3-week 1:1 coaching programme that releases limiting beliefs that have been holding you backĀ fromĀ the life you deserve!

TheĀ Belief Releaseā„¢ ProgrammeĀ extends the work done in the single session over a three-week period, allowing for deeper exploration and more profound transformation.Ā 

Key Benefits:

  • Learn how to discover & accept where your beliefs have come from
  • Have a mindset shift that empowers you
  • Personalised tailor made hypnosis recordingĀ to listen to after your sessions
  • Release negative energy & 3 core limiting beliefs with ease so you can rapidly transform your life!

How it works

"The quality of your life ultimately depends on the quality of your decisions"

1. Free Initial Consultation

  • Get Started: Begin with a free consultation to discuss your limiting beliefs and desired outcome.
  • Personalised Assessment: Claire will assess your needs to tailor the programme specifically for you.

2. Three-Week Belief Releaseā„¢ Program

  • Week 1: Identify Limiting Beliefs
    • Uncover and beginĀ reframing the subconscious limiting beliefs that are holding you back.
  • Week 2: Belief ReleaseĀ 
    • Release theĀ negativeĀ beliefs through powerful subconscious mind altering techniques!
  • Week 3: Integration and Empowerment
    • After the release we replace the beliefs with new empowering positive beliefs and tailor make a hypnosis recording!

4. Continuous Support and Follow-Up

  • Ongoing Feedback: Receive continuous support and feedback throughout the program.
  • Post-Program Follow-Up: Review progress, celebrate achievements, and discuss next steps for sustained growth.

Plus you get

A personalised Growth Work Guide!
Rewire your mind audio downloads
Positive Belief affirmation phone screen savers

Your investment is


Single session: Ā£300

3 week programme: Ā£800


Ready to break free from limiting beliefs and transform your life? Sign up for a free consultation today to discover how the Belief Releaseā„¢ Program can help you achieve your goals and live your best life.


ā—†Ā Are you ready?Ā ā—†



Meet your Coach

UK based life coach, author & businesswoman



I'm going to skip the BS & jump straight to why working with me is what you are looking for! I am not perfect and any coach claiming this should trigger your intuitive red flag alarm!

A few things I myself have overcome and healed:

  • Trust issuesĀ 
  • Unhealthy coping skills like smoking, over eating & drinking
  • ADHD symptoms being out of control!
  • Limiting beliefs like "I aM a FaiLuRe"Ā 
  • Literally hating myself!!!

If you want to dive into my healing journey & all the qualifications I have, I spill all the tea on the 'about' page.

But this is about YOU!